Search Results for: Making Auschwitz Myth

The Making of the Auschwitz Myth

The Making of the Auschwitz Myth

2nd, corrected edition. In this study, Carlo Mattogno shows how the myth of gas-chamber mass murder was created during the war and in the immediate postwar period, and how it has been turned subsequently into “history” by intellectually corrupt scholars who cherry-picked claims that fit into their political agenda and ignored or actively covered up literally thousands of lies of “witnesses” to make their narrative look credible. Carlo Mattogno has created yet another masterpiece of historical analysis of all the relevant source material upon which the orthodox Auschwitz narrative is based. And ist effect is devastating for the orthodoxy…

Sonderkommando Auschwitz Trilogy (Vols. I, II & III)

Sonderkommando Auschwitz Trilogy (Vols. I, II & III)

This trilogy of profound source criticism is essential to all those who want to understand the propaganda origins of the Auschwitz gas-chamber narrative. The witness testimonies thoroughly scrutinized in these three books are the very foundation upon which that myth was erected that homicidal gas chambers existed during World War II at the infamous Auschwitz Camp.

Inconvenient History, Vol 12, 2020

Inconvenient History, Volume 12, 2020

Inconvenient History seeks to maintain the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

Papers contained in this Volume 12, 2020:

  • Eyewitness Testimony to the Genocide of European Jewry
  • American Witnesses to the American and French POW Camps after World War II
  • Niels Bohr: Both Sides, Now … or Never
  • Did German Homicidal Gas Chambers Exist?
  • Sigmund Freud: Scientific Trailblazer or Huckster?
  • Were the 1945 Allied Bombings of Dresden Militarily Justified?
  • Leni Riefenstahl: Filmdom’s Wrongly Scorned Creative Genius
  • Field Marshal Erwin Rommel: Genius, Hero, Martyr… and Traitor?
  • Eternal Strangers
  • Jews Transited through Belzec & Sobibór
  • The Thin Internal Walls of Krematorium I at Auschwitz
  • Accounts of the American and French POW Camps after World War II
  • What Happened to Jews Sent to the Aktion Reinhardt Camps?
  • Breaking the Chains of Versailles
  • Dorothy Thompson: Cassandra Silenced by (American) Zionism
  • Hemingway and Pound: Literary Friends, Wartime (Criminal?) Opposites
  • Great Britain’s Uncivilized Warfare and Postwar Crimes
  • Werner Heisenberg: Germany’s Maligned Scientific Genius
  • “Justice” at Nuremberg
  • In Defense of Ursula Haverbeck
  • On the Authenticity of the “Lachout Document”
  • Vengeful Jews Give the Lie to Allied War-Crimes Trials
  • Early Revisionism outside Occupied Germany
  • Just One among Ten Thousand Lies!
  • The Lie of the Six Million
  • Henry Ford: Would-Be Champion of the “Good Jews”
  • Auschwitz in British Radio Intercepts
  • “Sonderkommando Eyewitness” Testimony to the Holocaust
  • The Looting of Germany after World War II
  • Pearl Harbor: No Surprise to America’s Devil-in-Chief
  • Poison Partners
  • Ernst von Weizsäcker
  • Charles Lindbergh: Wronged American Hero
  • Czechoslovakia

Further Link Adjustments

After completely recovering and editing all contributions to CODOH’s quarterly journal Inconvenient History (IH), plus recovering all volumes, issues and articles of it’s predecessor The Revisionist, and of The Journal of Historical Review, plus adding all other items back to the CODOH library that are listed in the Holocaust Encyclopedia‘s bibliography but had been part…