Showing 1–48 of 65 results

  • Germar Rudolf, Nazi Gas Chambers

    Nazi Gas Chambers


    Nazi gas chambers are the iconic core of the Holocaust narrative. Millions of Jews were killed in them with poison gas, we are told. However, if we dig deeper, we find early accounts that tell a different story: steam, vacuum and electrocution chambers, murder with chlorinated lime in trains, or with toxic fluids. How did we get from these bizarre claims to what we are told today? This book reveals who cleansed the historical record to create an apparently consistent and coherent narrative, and which methods were used in the process. Those looking for evidence of a huge Jewish conspiracy, however, will be disappointed, because that’s not how it happened. Instead, the details of the conventional gas-chamber story were defined and documented by… well, read the book and find out!

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  • Rompiendo el hechizo

    Rompiendo el hechizo


    Rompiendo el hechizo demuestra que las “declaraciones de testigos” que apoyan la narrativa de las cámaras de gas humanas chocan claramente con los datos científicos disponibles. El autor yuxtapone las ideas comúnmente aceptadas sobre una política nazi de exterminio de los judíos con una amplia gama de pruebas, en su mayoría no cuestionadas, pero generalmente no mencionadas, que apuntan en una dirección muy diferente, entre ellas, sobre todo, los mensajes de radio alemanes de los campos de concentración interceptados y descifrados por los británicos…

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  • The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” – Part 1 & 2


    In 2011, the “Holocaust Controversies” blog published a study claiming to refute 3 of our authors’ monographs on Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. The present work is our authors’ rebuttal of their detractors’ critique, exposing it as a collection of plagiarized sources and statements of bad faith, mere conjectures, distortions, falsifications, hypocrisies, lies, misrepresentations, unfounded speculations, and blatant omissions of facts. Note that this book is currently available exclusively as a PDF eBook for download (1397 pages, 18.4 MB). A new, updated print edition is envisioned, but not yet worked on.

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  • The First Holocaust | 6th Edition, 2024

    Supported with many publications, in particular from The New York Times, the author shows that between 1890 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in Eastern Europe and would face a holocaust if they did not receive massive aid… Sixth edition of 2024.

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  • Sale!

    Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda | Multimedia Bundle

    Original price was: £25.50.Current price is: £20.00.

    This book gives an overview of the many rumors, myths and lies about Auschwitz spread during and right after the war, which mainstream historians today reject as untrue. It then explains by which ridiculous methods some claims about Auschwitz were accepted as true and turned into “history,” although they are just as untrue.  Get all the formats available at a 20% discount when you buy this bundle.

  • Auschwitz: Tres cuartos de siglo de propaganda

    Auschwitz: Tres Cuartos de Siglo de Propaganda


    Este libro ofrece una visión general de los numerosos rumores, mitos y mentiras sobre Auschwitz, difundidos durante la guerra y justo después de ella, que los historiadores convencionales rechazan hoy como falsos. A continuación, explica por qué métodos ridículos algunas afirmaciones sobre Auschwitz se aceptaron como ciertas y se convirtieron en “historia”, aunque son igual de falsas.

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  • Breaking the Spell | 7th Edition, 2024

    From: £0.00

    7th edition of February 2024! Breaking the Spell shows that “witness statements” supporting the human gas chamber narrative clearly clash with the available scientific data. The author juxtaposes the commonly accepted ideas about a Nazi extermination policy toward the Jews with a wide array of mostly unchallenged, but usually unmentioned evidence pointing in a quite different direction, among them most notably German radio messages from the concentration camps intercepted and decrypted by the British…

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  • Dissecting the Holocaust | 4th Edition, 2024

    From: £0.00

    Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific technique and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II. In 24 contributions of each ca. 30 pages, the 17 authors dissect generally accepted paradigms of the ‘Holocaust’. It reads as exciting as a crime novel. This is the intellectual adventure of the 21st Century…

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  • Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow

    From: £0.00

    After the war, the Soviets arrested four leading engineers of the Topf Company. Among other things, they had planned and supervised the construction of the Auschwitz cremation furnaces and the ventilation systems of the rooms said to have served as homicidal gas chambers. Between 1946 and 1948, Soviet officials conducted numerous interrogations with them. This work analyzes them by putting them into the context of the vast documentation on these and related facilities. The appendix contains all translated interrogation protocols.

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  • Holocaust Encyclopedia


    2nd edition of September 2024! This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored and unconstrained look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and information you didn’t even know exists, right at your fingertips. This 2nd edition of September 2024 has 634 pages (as the first), 584 entries (five more entries), 356 illustrations, an introduction, bibliography, and a names index (printed version only).
    Download our promotion flyer for this Encyclopedia here, or watch our 30-minute introduction to this fine tome:

    Available Versions

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    If you are an internet blogger or writer and plan on quoting text from the encyclopedia in your blogs and articles, or if you are a researcher or aficionado who wants to locate items by searching for them electronically, we recommend you purchase an eBook version. If you prefer owning a physical book, want to display it proudly on your bookshelf, plan on showing it off or have others leaf through it, you will be better served with a printed edition.

    Color or Black & White

    Most photos of the WWII era are in black and white. Hence, only 167 of the 356 illustration in this book are color illustrations, and they are scattered throughout. Printing the book in color throughout, even though only some 47% of all illustrations are in color, will still render the remaining 53% of illustration in black and white. However, color printing requires a better paper stock, and increases production costs by well over $20 per copy. You decide whether it is worth the additional cost. If you opt for a color edition, please be aware that 53% of all illustrations will still be in black and white! (Note that all eBooks are in color throughout, wherever there is any color.)
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    Signed and Dedicated by the Author

    A hand-signed version dedicated by the author is available on the author’s home page (hardcover, full color only). He has to order the book from the printer, sign, repackage, and ship it to you, so there is significant work involved for him personally to make this happen. Hence, this comes at an increased price. Check it out here.

    Caveat: This Encyclopedia is a large and heavy book. Since a paperback cover does not support it (it buckles and bends when kept standing upright), and because demand for the paperback edition was negligible, we have discontinued it. Hence, we now only offer the sturdy hardcover edition.

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  • Politics of Slave Labor

    From: £0.00

    The deportation of the Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in May-July 1944 is said to have been the pinnacle of this camp’s extermination frenzy, topped off in August of that year by the extermination of Jews deported from the Lodz Ghetto. This book gathers and explains all the evidence available on both events. In painstaking research, the author proves almost on a person-by-person level what the fate was of many of the Jews deported from Hungary or the Lodz Ghetto. He demonstrates that these Jews were deported to serve as slave laborers in the Third Reich’s collapsing war economy. There is no trace of any extermination of any of these Jews.

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  • The Real Auschwitz Chronicle (2 Volumes)

    From: £0.00

    Nagging is easy. We actually did a better job! That which is missing in Czech’s Chronicle is included here: day after day of the camp’s history, documents are presented showing that it could not have been an extermination camp: tens of thousands of sick and injured inmates were cared for medically with huge efforts, and the camp authorities tried hard to improve the initially catastrophic hygienic conditions. Part Two contains data on transports, camp occupancy and mortality figures. For the first time, we find out what this camps’ real death toll was. Set of two volumes.

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  • Lectures on the Holocaust

    From: £0.00

    A compendium of past and present controversies about the mainstream Holocaust narrative. A comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the critical research into the Holocaust: physical traces, forensic examinations, document analysis, critique of witness testimony. Fourth, updated edition of 2023.

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  • Sonderkommando Auschwitz III

    From: £0.00

    In 1995, under the title We Wept without Tears, Yad-Vashem Historian Gideon Greif published a collection of interviews he had recently conducted with former Auschwitz inmates who claimed to have been members of the “Sonderkommando”. This book critically reviews the statements made by these inmates (Josef Sackar, Abraham and Szlama Dragon, Jaakov Gabai, Shaul Chasan and Leon Cohen). In addition, the memoirs published in the 1990s and early 2000s by Shlomo Venezia and of a number of Greek Jews, all of whom claimed to have been members of the “Sonderkommando,” are being critically reviewed.

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  • “The Destruction of the European Jews”


    This outstanding short study provides a merciless demolition of the central claims of the Holocaust thesis by way of a probing examination of Raul Hilberg’s canonical The Destruction of the European Jews. By narrowing his focus to those pages in Destruction that deal directly with the plans, program, methods, and numerical results of the alleged Nazi mass murder of the Jews, Swiss researcher Graf relentlessly exposes the weakness and, often, absurdity of the best evidence for the extermination program, the gas chambers, and anything like the six million death toll. Giant can be devastatingly funny in its deconstruction of Hilberg’s flimsy attempts to portray mass gassing and cremation at Auschwitz and Treblinka; its focused brevity makes this book both an excellent introduction and a fine refresher course on the essentials of the revisionist case.

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  • Sonderkommando Auschwitz II

    From: £0.00

    Among mainstream historians, the Auschwitz survivor and former member of the so-called “Sonderkommando” Henryk Tauber is one of the most important witnesses about the alleged gas chambers inside the crematoria of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp, because right at the war’s end, he made several extremely detailed depositions about what he claims to have experienced there. The same is true for Szlama Dragon, only he claims to have worked at the so-called “bunkers” of Birkenau, two makeshift gas chambers just outside the camp perimeter. This study thoroughly scrutinizes these two key testimonies.

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  • Auschwitz: The First Gassing

    From: £0.00

    The first gassing of human beings in Auschwitz is claimed to have occurred on Sept. 3, 1941. The accounts reporting it are the archetypes for all later gassing accounts. This study exhibits the sources about this alleged event and analyzes them critically. It shows that these sources contradict each other in every essential point, rendering it impossible to extract a consistent story. Original wartime documents inflict a final blow to the tale of the first homicidal gassing…

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  • Sale!

    The Bungled Bundle (Paperback)

    Original price was: £71.00.Current price is: £60.00.

    Do you want to read how revisionists have caught mainstream Holocaust scholars over and over again with egg in their faces? For a special discount, we have bundled up four books doing just that…

  • The Holocaust: Facts versus Fiction

    From: £0.00

    This concise information brochure explains the most-important revisionist arguments about the Holocaust on 36 pages. It contains plenty of references to further reading, with most of the titles mentioned being accessible free of charge. It doubles as our book catalogue, as all of our books are introduced in it while we explain what relevance each books has in the greater picture of reexamining history. You can download this brochure as an interactive PDF file right here free of charge, or put this free eBrochure into your shopping basket and get a download link in an email after checking out. A print edition may be issued later. Note that the brochure’s cover is made of plain paper rather than cardboard, as it is designed as an inexpensive, lightweight promotion brochure. Please also note that this brochure is not protected by copyright. New customers who order printed material from us will receive a free copy of this brochure with their order, once we have it printed.

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  • The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories (2 Volumes)

    From: £0.00

    Before invading the Soviet Union, the German authorities set up special units meant to secure the area behind the German front. Orthodox historians claim that these unites called Einsatzgruppen primarily engaged in rounding up and mass-murdering Jews. This study sheds a critical light into this topic by reviewing all the pertinent sources as well as material traces. It reveals on the one hand that original war-time documents do not fully support the orthodox genocidal narrative, and on the other that most post-“liberation” sources such as testimonies and forensic reports are steeped in Soviet atrocity propaganda and thus utterly unreliable. In addition, material traces of the claimed massacres are rare due to an attitude of collusion by governments and Jewish lobby groups. Set of two volumes.

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  • Sale!

    The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz (3 Volumes) Paperback

    Original price was: £112.00.Current price is: £108.00.

    All three volumes of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… Note that the eBook version of this item, available as an option of Part 1, History and Technology, contains all three parts of the set!

  • The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 3: Photographs


    Part 3 (Photographs) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… (For purchasing the ebook version, visit Part 1 of this set, or the bundle featuring them all.) Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

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  • The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 2: Documents


    Part 2 (Documents) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… (For purchasing the ebook version, visit Part 1 of this set, or the bundle featuring them all.) Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

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  • The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 1: History and Technology

    From: £0.00

    Part 1 (Text) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… Note that the ebook formats (PDF and ePub) contain ALL THREE PARTS of this work. Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

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  • The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec

    From: £0.00

    As an update and upgrade to the Volumes 8, 9 and 19 of this series, this study has its first focus on witness testimonies recorded during the war and its aftermath, thus demonstrating how the myth of the “extermination camps” was created. The second part of this book acquaints us with the various archeological efforts made by mainstream scholars in their attempt to prove that the myth based on testimonies is true. The third part compares the findings of the second part with what we ought to expect, and reveals the chasm that exists between archeologically proven facts and mythological requirements.

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  • Deliveries of Coke, Wood and Zyklon B to Auschwitz

    From: £0.00

    Researchers from the Auschwitz Museum tried to prove the reality of mass extermination by pointing to documents about deliveries of wood and coke as well as Zyklon B to the Auschwitz Camp. If put into the actual historical and technical context, however, as is done by this study, these documents prove the exact opposite of what those orthodox researchers claim.

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  • Bungled: “The Destruction of the European Jews”

    Raul Hilberg’s magnum opus The Destruction of the European Jews is an orthodox standard work on the Holocaust. But how does Hilberg support his thesis that Jews were murdered en masse? He rips documents out of their context, distorts their content, misinterprets their meaning, and ignores entire archives. He only refers to “useful” witnesses, quotes fragments out of context, and conceals the fact that his witnesses are lying through their teeth. Lies and deceits permeate Hilberg’s book.

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  • Sonderkommando Auschwitz I

    From: £0.00

    To this day, the 1979 book Auschwitz Inferno by former Auschwitz inmate and putative Sonderkommando member Filip Müller has a great influence both on the popular perception of Auschwitz and on historians trying to probe this camp’s history. This book critically analyzes Müller’s various post-war writings, which are full of exaggerations, falsehoods and plagiarized text passages. The author also scrutinizes the testimonies of eight other former Sonderkommando members who similarly lack regard for exactitude and truth: Dov Paisikovic, Stanisław Jankowski, Henryk Mandelbaum, Ludwik Nagraba, Joshuah Rosenblum, Aaron Pilo, David Fliamenbaum and Samij Karolinskij.

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  • Rudolf Reder versus Kurt Gerstein

    From: £0.00

    Only two witnesses have ever testified substantially about the alleged Belzec Extermination Camp: The survivor Rudolf Reder and the SS man Kurt Gerstein. Gerstein’s various depositions have been a hotspot of revisionist critique for decades. It is now discredited even among orthodox historians. They use Reder’s testimony to fill the void, yet his statements are just as absurd. This study thoroughly scrutinizes Reder’s various statements, critically revisits Gerstein’s various depositions, and then compares these two testimonies which are at once similar in some respects, but incompatible in others.

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  • The Making of the Auschwitz Myth

    From: £0.00

    2nd, corrected edition. In this study, Carlo Mattogno shows how the myth of gas-chamber mass murder was created during the war and in the immediate postwar period, and how it has been turned subsequently into “history” by intellectually corrupt scholars who cherry-picked claims that fit into their political agenda and ignored or actively covered up literally thousands of lies of “witnesses” to make their narrative look credible. Carlo Mattogno has created yet another masterpiece of historical analysis of all the relevant source material upon which the orthodox Auschwitz narrative is based. And ist effect is devastating for the orthodoxy…

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  • Curated Lies

    From: £0.00

    The Auschwitz Museum is a mendacious organization, lying about the true nature of the Auschwitz camp both to millions of tourists – most egregious with manipulations to its main exhibit, the ‘Old Krematorium’ in the Auschwitz Main Camp – and to serious scholars – by way of obfuscating the true nature and meaning of documents in its archives. Here is the proof.

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  • An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account

    From: £0.00

    Nyiszli, a Hungarian physician, ended up at Auschwitz in 1944 as Dr. Mengele’s assistant. After the war he wrote a book and several other writings describing what he claimed to have experienced. To this day some traditional historians take his accounts seriously, while others reject them as grotesque lies and exaggerations. This study presents and analyzes Nyiszli’s writings and skillfully separates truth from fabulous fabrication.

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  • Treblinka

    From: £0.00

    It is claimed that at Treblinka Camp, between 700,000 and 3,000,000 Jews were murdered in 1942 and 1943. The weapons used were alleged to have been stationary and/or mobile gas chambers, poison gases of both fast acting and slow acting varieties, unslaked lime, superheated steam, electricity, diesel exhaust fumes… This thorough study exposes the Treblinka hoax…

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  • Sobibor

    From: £0.00

    Between 25,000 and 2,000,000 Jews are said to have been killed in gas chambers in the Sobibór camp in eastern Poland between May 1942 and October 1943. The corpses were allegedly buried in mass graves and later incinerated on pyres. This book investigates these claims and shows that they are not based on solid evidence, but on the selective use of eye-witness testimonies, which in turn are riddled with contradictions and outright absurdities. In 2000-2001, archeological surveys of the camp were initiated…

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  • Elie Wiesel, Saint of the Holocaust

    From: £0.00

    The world’s first independent biography of Elie Wiesel shines the light of truth on this mythomaniac who has transformed the word “Holocaust” into the brand name of the world’s greatest hoax. Here, both Wiesel’s personal deceits and the whole myth of “the six million” are laid bare for the reader’s perusal. It shows how Zionist control of the U.S. Government as well as the nation’s media and academic apparatus has allowed Wiesel and his fellow extremists to force a string of U.S. presidents to genuflect before this imposter as symbolic acts of subordination to World Jewry, while simultaneously forcing U.S. school children to submit to Holocaust brainwashing by their teachers…

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  • Air-Photo Evidence

    From: £0.00

    During WW2 German and Allied aircraft took countless air photos, which today are evidence when investigating the Holocaust. Photos of Auschwitz, Majdanek, Treblinka, Babij Yar etc. permit an insight into what happened there. This book is full of air photo reproductions and schematic drawings explaining them. These images refute many of the atrocity claims made by witnesses in connection with events in the German sphere of influence. 6th, corrected edition.

    *There is no EPUB version, so please enjoy the PDF for your digital reading pleasure

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  • The Chemistry of Auschwitz

    From: £0.00

    Auschwitz was a center of chemistry. The German chemical industry built gigantic factories for rubber and fuel, and the SS experimented with natural sources of rubber. But that’s not what we associate with the name “Auschwitz.” We think of gas chambers and Zyklon B, two chemical things as well. How did the gas chambers look like? How did they operate? What was Zyklon B? How does it kill? Did it leave traces that can be found still today? These and other questions are thoroughly examined. Available as full-color hardcover and paperback editions, and as an economic black-and-white paperback edition.

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  • Garrison and Headquarters Orders of the Auschwitz Concentration Camp

    From: £0.00

    A large number of all the orders ever issued by the various commanders of the infamous Auschwitz Camp have been preserved. They reveal the true nature of the camp with all its daily events. There is not a trace in these orders pointing at anything sinister going on in this camp. Quite to the contrary, many orders are in clear and insurmountable contradiction to claims that prisoners were mass murdered. This is a selection of the most pertinent of these orders together with comments putting them into their proper historical context.

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  • Debating the Holocaust


    A debate about the Holocaust is raging underground; not whether or not it happened, but rather how, through what means, and to what extent. Here, arguments and counter-arguments are presented, and all relevant facts are laid out in a clear and concise manner. The entire debate, censored in public, is presented in a scholarly fashion.

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  • Commandant of Auschwitz

    From: £0.00

    From 1940 to 1943, Rudolf Höss was the commandant of the infamous Auschwitz Camp. After the war, he was captured by the British. In the following 13 months until his execution, he made 85 depositions of various kinds, in which he confessed his involvement in the “Holocaust.” This study analyzes them all by checking Höss’s claims for internal consistency and comparing them with established historical facts. The results are eye-opening…

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  • The Real Case for Auschwitz

    From: £0.00

    Robert van Pelt is considered one of the most prominent experts on Auschwitz. In The Real Case for Auschwitz, Mattogno analyzes the evidence proffered by van Pelt. He shows that van Pelt misrepresents and misinterprets all of the evidence he adduces. This book is of prime political and scholarly importance.

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  • Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions

    From: £0.00

    Our knowledge of what happened at Auschwitz during WWII rests almost exclusively on witness testimony. This study scrutinizes the 30 most important of them by checking them for internal coherence, comparing them with one another and with other evidence: wartime documents, air photos, forensic research results, material traces.

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  • Auschwitz – Forensically Examined


    A concise summary of the most-important results of forensic research on Auschwitz from 1945 to today as well as their reception by Western societies.

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  • Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers

    From: £0.00

    Pressac’s 1989 book was a trail blazer. Its many document reproductions are still valuable, but after decades of additional research, Pressac’s annotations are outdated. This book serves as an update and correction to Pressac’s epic tome, whether you own an original, read it online, borrow it from a library or purchase a reprint hopefully soon on sale…

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  • Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda


    This book gives an overview of the many rumors, myths and lies about Auschwitz spread during and right after the war, which mainstream historians today reject as untrue. It then explains by which ridiculous methods some claims about Auschwitz were accepted as true and turned into “history,” although they are just as untrue.

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  • Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust”


    Lipstadt’s “Denying the Holocaust” is the most pitiful book ever written against revisionism. But since academia and mainstream media keep pushing it, and because a “new” edition was released in late 2016, a thorough exposure of her incompetence and mendacity was overdue.

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  • The Leuchter Reports

    From: £0.00

    Between 1988 and 1991, American expert on execution technologies Fred Leuchter wrote four expert reports addressing the question whether or not the Third Reich operated homicidal gas chambers. The first report on Auschwitz and Majdanek became world famous. This edition republishes all four reports, and accompanies the first one with critical notes and research updates. (5th edition, 2017)

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  • Chelmno: A German Camp in History and Propaganda

    From: £0.00

    An overview of the mostly unsubstantiated claims and their juxtaposition to provable facts about this camp, which is claimed to have been the first “pure extermination camp” operated by the Germans during WWII. Depending on the source, between 10,000 and 1.3 million people are said to have been murdered there mostly by noxious exhaust gases in hermetically sealed trucks (“gas vans,” see Vol. 26 of this series). This thorough study of primary sources lays this myth to rest…

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