Search Results for: The First Holocaust

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century | 5th Edition, 2024

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century | 5th Edition, 2024

Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new, 5th edition is slightly updated.

They’re Back and Better Than Ever!

They’re Back and Better Than Ever!

As of earlier this week, thanks to the efforts of the indefatigable Germar Rudolf, the following Revisinionist Archives have also been restored on CODOH: Inconvenient History Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of…

Ulysses’s Lie

Ulysses’s Lie

Holocaust revisionism began with this book: Frenchman Rassinier, a pacifist and socialist, was sent first to Buchenwald Camp in 1944, then to Dora-Mittelbau. Here he reports from his own experience how the prisoners turned each other’s imprisonment into hell without being forced to do so. In the second part, Rassinier analyzes the books of former fellow prisoners, and shows how they lied and distorted in order to hide their complicity. First complete English edition, including Rassinier’s prologue, Albert Paraz’s preface, and press reviews.

The Rudolf Bundle (Paperback)

The Rudolf Bundle (Paperback)

Own every title in our catalog from the prescient pen of our own resident revisionist, Germar Rudolf, in this book bundle. It includes the body of Rudolf’s own research into World War II and the Holocaust, and tomes chronicling his personal odyssey, allowing the reader to better understand what drives a man to ask difficult questions that few were willing to ask, and to do what is right by the answers that are found, no matter what the cost.

Sonderkommando Auschwitz III

Sonderkommando Auschwitz III

In 1995, under the title We Wept without Tears, Yad-Vashem Historian Gideon Greif published a collection of interviews he had recently conducted with former Auschwitz inmates who claimed to have been members of the “Sonderkommando”. This book critically reviews the statements made by these inmates (Josef Sackar, Abraham and Szlama Dragon, Jaakov Gabai, Shaul Chasan and Leon Cohen). In addition, the memoirs published in the 1990s and early 2000s by Shlomo Venezia and of a number of Greek Jews, all of whom claimed to have been members of the “Sonderkommando,” are being critically reviewed.

“The Destruction of the European Jews”

“The Destruction of the European Jews”

This outstanding short study provides a merciless demolition of the central claims of the Holocaust thesis by way of a probing examination of Raul Hilberg’s canonical The Destruction of the European Jews. By narrowing his focus to those pages in Destruction that deal directly with the plans, program, methods, and numerical results of the alleged Nazi mass murder of the Jews, Swiss researcher Graf relentlessly exposes the weakness and, often, absurdity of the best evidence for the extermination program, the gas chambers, and anything like the six million death toll. Giant can be devastatingly funny in its deconstruction of Hilberg’s flimsy attempts to portray mass gassing and cremation at Auschwitz and Treblinka; its focused brevity makes this book both an excellent introduction and a fine refresher course on the essentials of the revisionist case.


Below you can find our releases in chronological order, with the most recent publications listed first. (You can change sort order and criterion using the drop-down menu provided). You can also download free of charge our 36-page information brochure on Holocaust revisionism that doubles as our book catalogue. We hope you’ll enjoy browsing our site….

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz (3 Volumes) Paperback

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz (3 Volumes) Paperback

All three volumes of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… Note that the eBook version of this item, available as an option of Part 1, History and Technology, contains all three parts of the set!

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 3: Photographs

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 3: Photographs

Part 3 (Photographs) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… (For purchasing the ebook version, visit Part 1 of this set, or the bundle featuring them all.) Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 2: Documents

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 2: Documents

Part 2 (Documents) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… (For purchasing the ebook version, visit Part 1 of this set, or the bundle featuring them all.) Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 1: History and Technology

The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz. Part 1: History and Technology

Part 1 (Text) of this exhaustive technical study of cremation technology in general and of the cremation furnaces used at Auschwitz and Birkenau in particular. Next to the alleged “gas chambers,” these furnaces are claimed to have been the main “weapon of crime” said to have destroyed the traces of up to a million murdered individuals. On a sound and thoroughly documented base of technical literature, extant wartime documents and material traces, Mattogno reveals the true hygienic function, i.e. the benign nature of the cremation furnaces of Auschwitz… Note that the ebook formats (PDF and ePub) contain ALL THREE PARTS of this work. Click here for the whole set of all three parts at a discount.

The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec

The “Operation Reinhardt” Camps Treblinka, Sobibór, Bełżec

As an update and upgrade to the Volumes 8, 9 and 19 of this series, this study has its first focus on witness testimonies recorded during the war and its aftermath, thus demonstrating how the myth of the “extermination camps” was created. The second part of this book acquaints us with the various archeological efforts made by mainstream scholars in their attempt to prove that the myth based on testimonies is true. The third part compares the findings of the second part with what we ought to expect, and reveals the chasm that exists between archeologically proven facts and mythological requirements.

Sonderkommando Auschwitz I

Sonderkommando Auschwitz I

To this day, the 1979 book Auschwitz Inferno by former Auschwitz inmate and putative Sonderkommando member Filip Müller has a great influence both on the popular perception of Auschwitz and on historians trying to probe this camp’s history. This book critically analyzes Müller’s various post-war writings, which are full of exaggerations, falsehoods and plagiarized text passages. The author also scrutinizes the testimonies of eight other former Sonderkommando members who similarly lack regard for exactitude and truth: Dov Paisikovic, Stanisław Jankowski, Henryk Mandelbaum, Ludwik Nagraba, Joshuah Rosenblum, Aaron Pilo, David Fliamenbaum and Samij Karolinskij.

Rudolf Reder versus Kurt Gerstein

Rudolf Reder versus Kurt Gerstein

Only two witnesses have ever testified substantially about the alleged Belzec Extermination Camp: The survivor Rudolf Reder and the SS man Kurt Gerstein. Gerstein’s various depositions have been a hotspot of revisionist critique for decades. It is now discredited even among orthodox historians. They use Reder’s testimony to fill the void, yet his statements are just as absurd. This study thoroughly scrutinizes Reder’s various statements, critically revisits Gerstein’s various depositions, and then compares these two testimonies which are at once similar in some respects, but incompatible in others.

Streicher, Rosenberg, and the Jews

Streicher, Rosenberg, and the Jews

If we want to understand the origins of the current mainstream narrative on the Holocaust, we need to go back to the beginnings to the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. During that trial, the “Jewish Question” took center stage for the defendants Alfred Rosenberg and Julius Streicher. Here is a critically commented look into how the prosecution and the defense argued their cases.



It is claimed that at Treblinka Camp, between 700,000 and 3,000,000 Jews were murdered in 1942 and 1943. The weapons used were alleged to have been stationary and/or mobile gas chambers, poison gases of both fast acting and slow acting varieties, unslaked lime, superheated steam, electricity, diesel exhaust fumes… This thorough study exposes the Treblinka hoax…