Search Results for: The Holocaust An Introduction

6th edition of “The First Holocaust”, plus audio version

6th edition of “The First Holocaust”, plus audio version

The last edition of this fine book was issued in 2018. This was just one year before YouTube pulled the plug on all videos and YouTube channels containing anything remotely critical about the orthodox Holocaust narrative. All videos revealing pre-WWII propaganda claims about 6 million Jews allegedly dying in a holocaust were deleted by YouTube…

4th Edition of “Dissecting the Holocaust,” plus Audio-Book Version

We have launched an ambitious project of turning all major revisionist works in our portfolio into audio books. First on our agenda was No. 1 of the series Holocaust Handbooks, Dissecting the Holocaust. While working on it, several typos and mistakes were fixed, plus an entire section of the contribution on Jewish Demographics was replaced….

Holocaust Encyclopedia

Holocaust Encyclopedia

This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored and unconstrained look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and information you didn’t even know exists, right at your fingertips. The book has 634 pages, 579 entries, 357 illustrations, an introduction, bibliography, and a names index (printed version only).
Download our promotion flyer for this Encyclopedia here, or watch our 30-minute introduction to this fine tome:

Available Versions

eBook or Print Book

If you are an internet blogger or writer and plan on quoting text from the encyclopedia in your blogs and articles, or if you are a researcher or aficionado who wants to locate items by searching for them electronically, we recommend you purchase an eBook version. If you prefer owning a physical book, want to display it proudly on your bookshelf, plan on showing it off or have others leaf through it, you will be better served with a printed edition.

Hardback or Paperback

This is a large and heavy book. A paperback cover will not support it well, hence it will sag and deform over time when standing upright on a shelf. If you want it to maintain its shape under such circumstances, it is better to purchase the sturdy hardcover edition, which costs us only $5 (b&w) or $3 more to produce than the paperback edition. We pass on that production surcharge with no additional markup of our own, to help you make that reasonable upgrade – a tiny investment well worth its price.

Color or Black & White

Most photos of the WWII era are in black and white. Hence, only 101 of the 357 illustration in this book are color illustrations, and they are scattered throughout. Printing the book in color throughout, even though only some 28% of all illustrations are in color, will still render the remaining 72% of illustration in black and white. However, color printing requires a better paper stock, and increases production costs by well over $20 per copy. You decide whether it is worth the additional cost. If you opt for a color edition, please be aware that 72% of all illustrations will still be in black and white! (Note that all eBooks are in color throughout, wherever there is any color.)
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The Holocaust: Facts versus Fiction

The Holocaust: Facts versus Fiction

This concise information brochure explains the most-important revisionist arguments about the Holocaust on 32 pages. It contains plenty of references to further reading, with most of the titles mentioned being accessible free of charge. It doubles as our book catalogue, as all of our books are introduced in it while we explain what relevance each books has in the greater picture of reexamining history. You can download this brochure as an interactive PDF file right here free of charge, or put this free eBrochure into your shopping basket and get a download link in an email after checking out. A print edition may be issued later. Note that the brochure’s cover is made of plain paper rather than cardboard, as it is designed as an inexpensive, lightweight promotion brochure. Please also note that this brochure is not protected by copyright. New customers who order printed material from us will receive a free copy of this brochure with their order, once we have it printed.

New, updated edition a “Hoax of the Twentieth Century”

Published by: London: Armreg Ltd File Size: 396 MB Runtime (hh:mm:ss): 19:27:00 Edition No.: 5th, updated Release Date: 4/2024 Audio Version Properties   It’s been nine years since an updated edition of Arthur Butz’s classic work Hoax of the Twentieth Century was launched. Within our project to turn the most important revisionist works into audio…

We’ve Re-Released The Muehlenkamp Study As An eBooK!

We’ve Re-Released The Muehlenkamp Study As An eBooK!

After repeated requests from our readers, we’ve made it happen. The definitive revisionist response to the 2011 570-page-long online study titled Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka: Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard published by the Holocaust Controversies blog—which claims to refute three of our authors’ monographs on the camps Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka (see vols. 9, 19 and 8…

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” – Part 1 & 2

The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” – Part 1 & 2

In 2011, the “Holocaust Controversies” blog published a study claiming to refute 3 of our authors’ monographs on Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. The present work is our authors’ rebuttal of their detractors’ critique, exposing it as a collection of plagiarized sources and statements of bad faith, mere conjectures, distortions, falsifications, hypocrisies, lies, misrepresentations, unfounded speculations, and blatant omissions of facts. Note that this book is currently available exclusively as a PDF eBook for download (1397 pages, 18.4 MB). A new, updated print edition is envisioned, but not yet worked on.

“The Destruction of the European Jews”

“The Destruction of the European Jews”

This outstanding short study provides a merciless demolition of the central claims of the Holocaust thesis by way of a probing examination of Raul Hilberg’s canonical The Destruction of the European Jews. By narrowing his focus to those pages in Destruction that deal directly with the plans, program, methods, and numerical results of the alleged Nazi mass murder of the Jews, Swiss researcher Graf relentlessly exposes the weakness and, often, absurdity of the best evidence for the extermination program, the gas chambers, and anything like the six million death toll. Giant can be devastatingly funny in its deconstruction of Hilberg’s flimsy attempts to portray mass gassing and cremation at Auschwitz and Treblinka; its focused brevity makes this book both an excellent introduction and a fine refresher course on the essentials of the revisionist case.

Goebbels on the Jews

Goebbels on the Jews

Goebbels kept a near-daily diary and wrote numerous articles. This book contains, for the first time, every significant diary entry relating to Jews or Jewish policy, together with the editor’s contextual remarks. Also included are citations of 10 major essays by Goebbels on the Jews, which bring clarity to our understanding of his views.

Hitler on the Jews

Hitler on the Jews

What exactly did Hitler say about the Jews? His opinions, we’re told, were that of a lunatic. For the first time, Hitler’s many statements about the Jews have been put together in this book. They are introduced with a critical evaluation of his views. Make up your own mind!