£24.00 – £80.00
3rd edition of January 2025! This encyclopedia gives you an uncensored and unconstrained look at all the pertinent evidence that upholds the orthodox Holocaust narrative: the true, the false, and the mendacious. It also exposes the various forces and influences that have dictated how this narrative was formed, and how it is protected from skeptical prying eyes. If you ever wanted to understand the postwar world we live in, this is a good starting point. Learn about the biggest propaganda campaign mankind has ever seen, and how it braced the postwar world psychologically. This encyclopedia gives you all the information you ever wanted, and information you didn’t even know exists, right at your fingertips. This 3rd edition of January 2025 has 642 pages, 586 entries (seven more entries than the first edition), 358 illustrations, an introduction, bibliography, and a names index (printed version only).
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Available Versions
eBook or Print Book
If you are an internet blogger or writer and plan on quoting text from the encyclopedia in your blogs and articles, or if you are a researcher or aficionado who wants to locate items by searching for them electronically, we recommend you purchase an eBook version. If you prefer owning a physical book, want to display it proudly on your bookshelf, plan on showing it off or have others leaf through it, you will be better served with a printed edition.
Color or Black & White
Most photos of the WWII era are in black and white. Hence, only 171 of the 358 illustration in this book are color illustrations, and they are scattered throughout. Printing the book in color throughout, even though only some 48% of all illustrations are in color, will still render the remaining 52% of illustration in black and white. However, color printing requires a better paper stock, and increases production costs by well over $20 per copy. You decide whether it is worth the additional cost. If you opt for a color edition, please be aware that 52% of all illustrations will still be in black and white! (Note that all eBooks are in color throughout, wherever there is any color.)
(For delivery addresses not covered by this shop, please place your order at www.NukeBook.org)
Signed and Dedicated by the Author
A hand-signed version dedicated by the author is available on the author’s home page (hardcover, full color only). He has to order the book from the printer, sign, repackage, and ship it to you, so there is significant work involved for him personally to make this happen. Hence, this comes at an increased price. Check it out here.
Caveat: This Encyclopedia is a large and heavy book. Since a paperback cover does not support it (it buckles and bends when kept standing upright), and because demand for the paperback edition was negligible, we have discontinued it. Hence, we now only offer the sturdy hardcover edition.
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3rd edition of January 2025! The Holocaust is a topic whose public discourse is tightly controlled by powerful groups. Only their side of the story is permitted to be discussed. In fact, they insist that there is no other side. They guard the West’s last taboo, and enforce swift punishment for those who dare to violate the taboo by asking prohibited questions, and by unearthing evidence leading to unwelcome answers.
Undaunted by this threat, and for the first time in history, a team of critical scholars has produced an encyclopedic compendium of cutting-edge information on this topic that pays no tribute to any power; respects no taboo; poses all the questions worth asking; and gives answers exclusively based on where the evidence leads. Its contents have not been censored by any legal authority, and they are not constrained to “acceptable” questions and answers.
The lead editor of this encyclopedia made sure that all contributors to this project are truly independent, and will defend what they consider to be true and accurate, even when threatened with imprisonment, due to laws in many countries that don’t allow to question the Holocaust.
In this encyclopedia, you are not lectured in so many entries what we think the Holocaust was. Rather, you find the many pieces summarized and explained that make up the larger picture: Nearly three hundred entries present the essence of the most-pertinent witness accounts. They are the mainstay on which the Holocaust narrative rests. All of them are subjected to painstaking source criticism, which is one of the most important tools of an historian. This enables the reader to assess which witness is trustworthy and which one is not.
This Holocaust Encyclopedia, addresses all the major Holocaust crime scenes, such as Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka, but discuss not just what today’s narrative is. It explains how this narrative has evolved, how in most cases it has changed dramatically, and it explains why.
Forensics are the most important tool to investigate any murder case. Therefore, this encyclopedia contains many entries discussing the many tools said to have been employed to commit the mass murders, and to erase the traces: execution chambers, gas vans, mass graves, crematoria, cremation pyres. It discusses toxicological issues surrounding the various lethal gases claimed to have been used: gasoline and diesel exhaust gases, carbon monoxide, Zyklon B/hydrogen cyanide, to name only the most important ones. How did they work, if at all? What traces can we expect to find, if any? And ultimately: which traces were actually found during the forensic investigations undertaken since war’s end?
This encyclopedia also has multiple entries on certain more-or-less common claims about aspects of the Holocaust, including a list of “Who said it?” These cover topics such as “flames shooting out of chimneys, “fat extracted from burning corpses,” “blood geysers erupting from mass graves,” “soap and towels issued to gassing victims,” to name only a few.
Finally, several entries address factors that have influenced the creation of the Holocaust narrative, and how we perceive it today. This includes entries on psychological warfare and propaganda during the war, on conditions prevailing during criminal investigations and trials of alleged Holocaust perpetrators, on censorship against historical dissidents, on the religious dimension of the Holocaust narrative, and on motives of all sides involved in this debate that refuses to go away, to name but a few.
In this important volume with 586 individual entries, you will discover – for the very first time uncensored and unconstrained – the bare bones of this skeleton in the West’s historical closet. Be prepared to be mind-boggled and amazed!
See our advertisement flyer here. Spread it far and wide! (For delivery addresses not covered by this shop, please place your order at www.NukeBook.org)
Additional information
Weight | 5.2 lbs |
Dimensions | 11.5 × 9 × 2 in |
Format | hardcover, paperback, ebook (PDF), eBook (ePub, plain), eBook (ePub, with audio files) |
Color | full color, black & white |