Amazon Bans Encyclopedia!

Mid-August of 2024, Amazon censored and banned ARMREG’s Holocaust Encyclopedia: Uncensored and Unconstrained from its sales websites. While Amazon routinely deletes titles without warning or explanation, the removal of books on sensitive topics is particularly alarming. This encyclopedia’s removal underscores a broader and disquieting trend of limiting discourse on subjects that influential pressure groups want to control tightly. Regardless of the reasons, this policy is inconsistent with the principles of liberty and intellectual freedom, ultimately hindering our understanding of history as opposed to helping it.
Moreover, this reactionary and hysterical “book burning” mentality is only fueling the growing trend of questioning the mainstream Holocaust narrative. It fosters the perception that the proponents of this narrative must resort to censorship, because their arguments cannot withstand scrutiny. It is highly revealing that an objective and academically rigorous work like this encyclopedia is viewed as such a threat by the Guardians of the Holy Holocaust Scripture that they insist it must be extinguished by any means.
By restricting access to diverse perspectives on such a pivotal event of history, Amazon is not safeguarding Holocaust orthodoxy. Instead, this is adding fuel to the raging fires of skepticism threatening to consume the official Holocaust narrative, rather than correct it. As debates over historical remembrance and its abuse for ulterior purposes intensify, the blatant censorship of this book will exacerbate doubts about the credibility and veracity of the mainstream narrative, even for aspects where such skepticism may be unwarranted.
Get Your Copy – to Spite Amazon!
While some 85% of all new books are sold in the U.S. by Amazon, they aren’t the only bookseller. Most other outlets still offer ARMREG’s Holocaust Encyclopedia; just check book-price search engines such as for available options. Note that the “leading” book-price search engine is controlled by Amazon; it will yield no results for books banned by Amazon!

The best option to get this encyclopedia is by buying it from the publishers directly. In fact, that’s what most customers have done: since its release, some 75% of all orders for this encyclopedia were placed on the publishers’ own websites. Armreg has shipping outlets in the UK, the U.S. and Australia, so shipping costs are usually very reasonable:
Armreg may have lost some 20% of its turnover from sales of this Encyclopedia through Amazon, but that won’t stop the spread of accurate and exact historical knowledge about this most-pivotal set of events of modern history!
All of the contents of this encyclopedia are accessible free of charge at the websites and, where a free, interactive eBook version can be downloaded as well. Thousands of copies have already been downloaded, so the genie is already out of the bottle. And it is not going back!