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  • Audio Books

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    Biographies (9)

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    Free Speech (9)

  • Holocaust

    Holocaust (3)

  • Judaica

    Judaica (11)

  • Third Reich

    Third Reich (4)

  • Wars + Atrocities

    Wars + Atrocities (4)

  • Classic Essays on the Jewish Question


    This collection includes 16 classic essays on “the Jewish Question”: How should Western societies deal with a domineering and pernicious Jewish minority? Dating from the years 1850 to 1945, they are timely and compelling.

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  • The Steep Climb


    No problem today is more urgent, or more taboo, than the “Jewish Problem”: how we should deal with a small minority that is at once powerful, self-interested, and malicious. Dalton tackles this question with bravado and resolve.

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  • The Holocaust: 100 Questions and Answers


    A concise booklet that addresses many key issues about the Holocaust that are too often overlooked. The background, the context, the motives, the methods—all examined in an open and forthright manner. A concise introduction and neat compendium for the beginner, and for those who want to hand a guide to the novice. A one-of-a-kind work.

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  • Unmasking Anne Frank


    No single person better represents the face of the Holocaust than Anne Frank. Her diary is compulsory reading for many school students around the world. Therefore, its influence on the shaping of young minds cannot be underestimated. This new book exposes Anne’s famous dairy as a deceptive and highly misleading story written by somebody else altogether. For the first time, we can read a critique of this global bestseller. Our view of Anne Frank – and of all Jews who suffered in the Holocaust – will never be the same.

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  • Labor Camp Auschwitz-Monowitz: Exposing the Myth of “Extermination through Labor”Labor Camp Auschwitz-Monowitz: Exposing the Myth of “Extermination through Labor”, PDF

    Labor Camp Auschwitz-Monowitz

    The Monowitz Camp near Auschwitz was the Third Reich’s largest and arguably most infamous forced-labor camp. After the war, it was the focus of one of the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. This trial concluded that tenth of thousands of inmates in that camp were systematically worked to death. This book analyzes pivotal documents to reconstruct the Monowitz Camp’s history, then juxtaposes this with over 140 witness testimonies presented at that Nuremberg trial. While the orthodox Monowitz narrative is dominated by a few hand-picked witness claims, the present study finally puts the history of the Monowitz Camp on a solid documental basis, supported by many testimonies. It rings in the end of the “extermination through labor” paradigm.

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  • Placeholder

    Bombing Civilians

    Suggested price: £5.00

    In the summer of 2024, Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan discussed during a podcast among other things why it was important to mass-murder millions of European civilians with carpet bombing campaigns in order to get rid of Adolf Hitler. This one-hour broadcast discusses this logic of terror.

    You can access Hadding Scott’s broadcasts and his stories around it on X/Twitter @UnapprovedRadio. This product is meant as an offer for Hadding’s friends and supporters to give him a helping hand by purchasing his audio files, rather than taking it for granted. You can adjust the purchase price to your liking.

  • Germar Rudolf, Nazi Gas Chambers

    Nazi Gas Chambers


    Nazi gas chambers are the iconic core of the Holocaust narrative. Millions of Jews were killed in them with poison gas, we are told. However, if we dig deeper, we find early accounts that tell a different story: steam, vacuum and electrocution chambers, murder with chlorinated lime in trains, or with toxic fluids. How did we get from these bizarre claims to what we are told today? This book reveals who cleansed the historical record to create an apparently consistent and coherent narrative, and which methods were used in the process. Those looking for evidence of a huge Jewish conspiracy, however, will be disappointed, because that’s not how it happened. Instead, the details of the conventional gas-chamber story were defined and documented by… well, read the book and find out!

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  • B.R. Smith, Break His Bones

    Break His Bones


    Initially, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist was announced as Part 1. Bones is Part 2 of Smith’s autobiographical confessions. It picks up where Confessions left off in 1987. First released in 2002, this book covers 15 more years of Smith’s personal account of his incessant lobbying for a free market of ideas, a free press, no censorship and intellectual freedom for all regarding the orthodox Holocaust narrative and its skeptical scrutiny. This edition includes an appendix with eulogies of his many friends.

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  • B.R. Smith, Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist

    Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist


    This is the extraordinary story of an ordinary American who couldn’t help but develop doubts where society doesn’t allow doubts. In an attempt to overcome those doubts, he asked questions that society does not tolerate; and he gave answers that society suppresses to this day by any means. This autobiographical book chronicles the budding of what was to become the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. This is an earthy, humorous, unsparing and compelling account of how Smith’s confrontation with his last frontier of unwarranted belief – the Holocaust story – changed his life. This is Part 1 of Smith’s autobiography. Part 2, Break His Bones, will be released in a new edition soon. This is the 4th, annotated edition of Confessions, released in August 2024.

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  • Rompiendo el hechizo

    Rompiendo el hechizo


    Rompiendo el hechizo demuestra que las “declaraciones de testigos” que apoyan la narrativa de las cámaras de gas humanas chocan claramente con los datos científicos disponibles. El autor yuxtapone las ideas comúnmente aceptadas sobre una política nazi de exterminio de los judíos con una amplia gama de pruebas, en su mayoría no cuestionadas, pero generalmente no mencionadas, que apuntan en una dirección muy diferente, entre ellas, sobre todo, los mensajes de radio alemanes de los campos de concentración interceptados y descifrados por los británicos…

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  • The Hoax of the Twentieth Century | 5th Edition, 2024

    From: £0.00

    Professor A. R. Butz was the first (and so far the only) writer to treat the entire Holocaust complex from the Revisionist perspective, in a precise scientific manner. This book exhibits the overwhelming force of historical and logical arguments which Revisionism had accumulated by the middle of the 70s. This new, 5th edition is slightly updated.

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  • The “Extermination Camps” of “Aktion Reinhardt” – Part 1 & 2


    In 2011, the “Holocaust Controversies” blog published a study claiming to refute 3 of our authors’ monographs on Belzec, Sobibor and Treblinka. The present work is our authors’ rebuttal of their detractors’ critique, exposing it as a collection of plagiarized sources and statements of bad faith, mere conjectures, distortions, falsifications, hypocrisies, lies, misrepresentations, unfounded speculations, and blatant omissions of facts. Note that this book is currently available exclusively as a PDF eBook for download (1397 pages, 18.4 MB). A new, updated print edition is envisioned, but not yet worked on.

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  • The First Holocaust | 6th Edition, 2024

    Supported with many publications, in particular from The New York Times, the author shows that between 1890 and the late 1920s, mainly American Jewish organizations were claiming that up to six million Jews(!) would suffer terribly in Eastern Europe and would face a holocaust if they did not receive massive aid… Sixth edition of 2024.

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  • Sale!

    Dissecting the Holocaust | Multimedia Bundle

    Original price was: £102.00.Current price is: £80.00.

    Dissecting the Holocaust applies state-of-the-art scientific techniques and classic methods of detection to investigate the alleged murder of millions of Jews by Germans during World War II. In 24 contributions of each ca. 30 pages, the 17 authors dissect generally accepted paradigms of the ‘Holocaust’. It reads as exciting as a crime novel. This is the intellectual adventure of the 21st Century… Get all the formats available at a 20% discount when you buy this bundle.

  • Sale!

    Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda | Multimedia Bundle

    Original price was: £25.50.Current price is: £20.00.

    This book gives an overview of the many rumors, myths and lies about Auschwitz spread during and right after the war, which mainstream historians today reject as untrue. It then explains by which ridiculous methods some claims about Auschwitz were accepted as true and turned into “history,” although they are just as untrue.  Get all the formats available at a 20% discount when you buy this bundle.