A concise booklet that addresses many key issues about the Holocaust that are too often overlooked. The background, the context, the motives, the methods—all examined in an open and forthright manner. A concise introduction and neat compendium for the beginner, and for those who want to hand a guide to the novice. A one-of-a-kind work.
Why, today, do we hear so much about the Holocaust? Why are people we don’t like called ‘Nazis’? Why is Hitler’s name constantly invoked as the embodiment of evil? Why is the Holocaust a perennial theme in films and documentaries? Why are there repeated references to “never again,” “never forget,” and the all-important “6 million Jews” who died? And why, at the same time, is the topic of Holocaust apparently sacrosanct—literally off-limits to any kind of skeptical thinking or critical analysis?
Since the 1960s, the Holocaust has become an untouchable icon in Western society. And yet, so many details are murky: Why, exactly, did Hitler dislike the Jews? Did he actually issue an order to kill all the Jews? How did those infamous gas chambers actually work? And where did that number of “6 million” come from, anyway?
Lots of questions, very few answers—until now. Here, in this booklet, we attempt to address 100 of the most essential questions about the Holocaust, in an honest and forthright manner. As one of the most important historical events, it deserves no less.
Here is the complete list of all the questions addressed in this book:
- What is a “holocaust”?
- What was the “Jewish Holocaust”?
- What is the view of Holocaust revisionists?
- So, was the Holocaust a hoax?
- Who are the major Holocaust revisionists?
- Why haven’t we heard about these revisionists and their work?
- How do Jews benefit from the orthodox Extermination Thesis?
- Isn’t it true that European Jews were oppressed for decades or even centuries prior to WW2?
- But the Jews were expelled many times over the centuries, were they not?
- But why did this happen?
- Doesn’t this conflict with the point above, namely, that the Jews had wealth and power?
- Didn’t the Russians persecute Jews in the late 1800s?
- Wait—so, there were reports of “6 million Jews” already back in the 1800s?
- What are the implications of this?
- Weren’t there again claims of massive Jewish suffering during WWI?
- What are the implications of all this for the alleged Nazi Holocaust?
- So, how many NYT references were there to “6 million” suffering Jews before WW2?
- What can we conclude from all these references?
- But Hitler did hate the Jews, right? Didn’t he admit to being an anti-Semite?
- What about World War One? What was the Jewish role in that catastrophic event?
- What was the significance of the Balfour Declaration?
- But what about Russia? Surely the Czar kept the Russian Jews in line.
- So, what role did Jews play in the defeat of Germany in WWI?
- Why is all this important to the Holocaust?
- What did Hitler say in his “first letter” on the Jews?
- Didn’t Hitler call for killing Jews in his book Mein Kampf?
- If Jews were active or even decisive in Germany’s defeat in WWI, then it’s likely that they played a large role in the post-war German government—is this true?
- Ok, but what about the cultural sphere: What role did Jews play there?
- So it looks like Germany was dealing with Jews on many fronts: at home, in the Soviet Union, and even to the West—maybe in the US and Britain too; can this be right?
- Was Roosevelt heavily influenced by Jews?
- Churchill is always seen as a great hero of the British people; but is it really possible that he was funded and promoted by wealthy Jews?
- If so, then the Jews behind Churchill could have easily used him to push for war with Hitler, true?
- How did all this affect Hitler’s rise to power?
- Some say that the Jews actually declared a kind of ‘war’ on Hitler; is that true?
- What was the “Evian Conference”?
- Wasn’t Kristallnacht in 1938 the actual start of the Holocaust?
- World War Two technically began in September 1939. But is it really possible that British Jews, for example, pushed England into war with Germany?
- But was this really the doing of Jews or simply belligerent Brits?
- When did the Holocaust actually begin?
- So Hitler only intended to remove the Jews from Germany, not kill them?
- But surely many Jews died during Hitler’s reign, did they not?
- But that’s not what people mean by a “Holocaust death,” is it?
- That’s hard to believe; the Holocaust has been called “the most well-documented event in history”; surely the experts know, in great detail, when, where, and how the 6 million Jews died—don’t they?
- How do the revisionists address this problem?
- So, how many Jews allegedly died before the war, on the standard view?
- What is the corresponding revisionist estimate?
- So the standard version is about five times as high as the revisionist claim—true? Some might say, exaggerated by a factor of five?
- But even if we accept the figure of 100,000 pre-war, this means that the vast majority of the Holocaust victims—of the 6 million—died between 1941 and 1945, isn’t that right?
- Okay, so, for each year of the war, how many Jews died?
- And what are the corresponding figures from the revisionists?
- That is still a lot of deaths, isn’t it? That’s still a tragedy.
- Is it true that Hitler gassed 6 million Jews?
- Who conducted all those shooting deaths?
- That’s a huge variation—why can’t the experts agree?
- So where did the estimate of 1.6 million (above) come from?
- Back to the gas chambers: If 2.6 million died in ghettos or shootings, then all the “camp” deaths (3.4 million) were gassed, right?
- What about Birkenau? Isn’t that considered a famous death camp?
- So those six death-camp totals were all gassing deaths?
- So, how many alleged gassing victims in all?
- But revisionists disagree; how many gassing victims do they claim?
- Wait, so why couldn’t diesel engine gas be used to kill people?
- Is it possible that the Germans actually used regular gasoline engines?
- How did the Germans supposedly use the Zyklon-B pellets at Auschwitz?
- Weren’t the crematoria used to kill Jews?
- But we have Germans themselves who admitted to gassing people, don’t we?
- So, is it true that the only logical conclusion is that there were no homicidal gas chambers at all, in the German camps?
- So what happened to those 2.8 million Jews?
- We are told that there were six main death camps, that together accounted for around half of the 6 million alleged deaths. How many died at each camp?
- But, as usual, the revisionists must disagree; what figures do they support?
- Let’s look quickly at each of the first five camps, and then later focus on Auschwitz. Take Chełmno—what do we know about that camp?
- But lots of people are claimed to have been killed this way, true?
- That’s a huge variation—why can’t the experts agree?
- But revisionists say: only 2,000?
- How long did it allegedly take the Germans to kill, say, 250,000 people in “gas vans”?
- Not only that—how did they get rid of all those bodies?
- If that actually happened, then there would be (1) large, former pits, now refilled with dirt, (2) a large deforested area, and (3) tons and tons of ash. Do we have any evidence of all that?
- Let’s look at the other camps. Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka are often grouped together; why is that?
- How many Jews are claimed to have been killed at those camps?
- Those are huge variations—why can’t the experts agree?
- If these camps were located in remote wooded areas, they probably had all the same problems that Chełmno did, is that correct?
- Majdanek camp seems relatively insignificant: just 75,000 deaths from the experts, and only 28,000 from revisionists. Was the camp always so unimportant?
- Let’s turn to the big fish in the pond: Auschwitz. Didn’t the experts used to claim that 4 million people were killed there, instead of the 1 million or so today?
- So, the “6 million” must have also been affected—dropping to…3 million?
- Let’s say we accept the standard figure of 1 million. When and how were those people killed?
- Wait—1,600 people gassed per day? Every day, for an entire year? That sounds impossible.
- And all with Zyklon gas?
- But the crematorium buildings had actual gas chamber rooms in them, didn’t they?
- What about those pictures of smoking piles of bodies at Auschwitz?
- There are air photos of Auschwitz from 1944 that show the camp from above—what can we tell from these?
- Ok, so, no gassings at all at Auschwitz, and lots of deaths from typhus. But still, we have dozens of witnesses who testified to the gassings—what’s up with that?
- One of the newest witness books is Cold Crematorium by Jozsef Debreczeni, originally written in 1950 but only translated into English in 2023. Is this typical of witness accounts?
- Didn’t Raul Hilberg admit that Hitler had no budget and no plan for the Holocaust?
- But Hitler did order the destruction of the Jews, didn’t he?
- How did Hilberg explain this situation?
- What about those crazy stories of Jews turned into soap, lampshades, and shrunken heads?
- And what about Anne Frank’s diary? Lots of people call that a hoax.
- Some people have suspected for a long time that the Holocaust—the gassings and the “6 million”—were likely false, haven’t they?
- After all, the “6 million” is such an astronomically high figure—how could anyone believe it?
- There are some important postwar memoirs, such as those by Churchill, Eisenhower, and de Gaulle; not to mention one by the leading Jew of that time, Chaim Weizmann—what do those have to add to all this?
- Some might say, Why is all this important anyway? It was 80 years ago, everyone involved is dead. What’s the big deal?
Additional information
Weight | .5 lbs |
Dimensions | 9 × 6 × .3 in |
Format | Paperback (b&w) |