Month: April 2024

Inconvenient History, Vols. 1-10

“Inconvenient History” Back in Print

For many years, printed editions of CODOH’s online periodical Inconvenient History have been unavailable. After CODOH’s core meltdown this past winter, all contents posted on CODOH’s library website, Inconvenient History‘s contributions included, needed to be resurrected, checked, reformatted, and edited. Wile we were at it, we decided to use that effort to put this fine…

Further Link Adjustments

After completely recovering and editing all contributions to CODOH’s quarterly journal Inconvenient History (IH), plus recovering all volumes, issues and articles of it’s predecessor The Revisionist, and of The Journal of Historical Review, plus adding all other items back to the CODOH library that are listed in the Holocaust Encyclopedia‘s bibliography but had been part…

New, updated edition a “Hoax of the Twentieth Century”

It’s been nine years since an updated edition of Arthur Butz’s classic work Hoax of the Twentieth Century was launched. Within our project to turn the most important revisionist works into audio books, Butz’s blockbuster was next on our list. Hence, from Feb. 23 to March 8, that conversion was accomplished. This was followed by…