7th Edition of “Breaking the Spell,” plus Audio-Book Version

We have just extended our ambitious project of turning all major revisionist works in our portfolio into audio books: The second on our agenda, No. 31 of the series Holocaust Handbooks, Breaking the Spell. Like before, while working on it, several typos were fixed, and we updated the selected bibliography at the book’s end. It’s only a minor change compared to the last (6th) edition of early 2023, so if you already own a recent edition, we recommend not upgrading to this one. The main purpose for the print edition was merely to keep it in sync with the audio book produced, and to make it Armreg’s own production, not a mere reprint of what Castle Hill had issued in early 2023. The audio book has 23 separate parts with altogether 9 hours, 16 minutes and 30 seconds of narrated time. If you buy it, you will receive a download link for one zip file of 189 MB, containing all 23 parts as follows:
- 01-BreakingTheSpell-Foreword.mp3 (16:41, 5.75 MB)
- 02-BreakingTheSpell-Prelude.mp3 (20:18, 6.99 MB)
- 03-BreakingTheSpell-1-ReasonUnhinged.mp3 (21:24, 7.37 MB)
- 04-BreakingTheSpell-2-IllusionVsReality.mp3 (36:18, 12.4 MB)
- 05-BreakingTheSpell-3-UnweavingSpell.mp3 (31:41, 10.9 MB)
- 06-BreakingTheSpell-4-TowardsDialogue.mp3 (36:27, 12.5 MB)
- 07-BreakingTheSpell-5-100TimesLess.mp3 (34:21, 11.8 MB)
- 08-BreakingTheSpell-6-BletchleyParkDecrypts.mp3 (33:09, 11.4 MB)
- 09-BreakingTheSpell-7-ChemistryAtAuschwitz.mp3 (53:38, 18.4 MB)
- 10-BreakingTheSpell-8-HoloReligion.mp3 (34:15, 11.7 MB)
- 11-BreakingTheSpell-9-Sacred Myths.mp3 (22:10, 7.64 MB)
- 12-BreakingTheSpell-10-HauntedSixMillion.mp3 (36:36, 12.5 MB)
- 13-BreakingTheSpell-11-TurningTide.mp3 (17:52, 6.16 MB)
- 14-BreakingTheSpell-12-Treblinka.mp3 (15:15, 5.26 MB)
- 15-BreakingTheSpell-13-Auschwitz.mp3 (41:08, 14.1 MB)
- 16-BreakingTheSpell-14-PurposeOfCamps.mp3 (25:41, 8.84 MB)
- 17-BreakingTheSpell-Epilogue.mp3 (10:03, 3.47 MB)
- 18-BreakingTheSpell-Appendix1.mp3 (9:56, 3.43.MB)
- 19-BreakingTheSpell-Appendix2.mp3 (12:11, 4.21 MB)
- 20-BreakingTheSpell-Appendix3.mp3 (2:16, 797 KB)
- 21-BreakingTheSpell-Appendix4.mp3 (29:42, 10.2 MB)
- 22-BreakingTheSpell-SelectBibliography.mp3 (13:44, 4.74 MB)
- 23-BreakingTheSpell-AboutAuthor.mp3 (1:44, 612 KB)