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ARMREG Books Are Gaining Exposure In Big Venues!

A major focus of our marketing team as of late has been to circumvent censorship by securing sponsorship/advertisement arrangements with media outlets and high profile public figures that/who are sympathetic to our message. The point of this being to throw a broad net, as irrespective of how individual luminaries and activists of the dissident community may disagree on one point or another, we all tend to be trying to reach the same people, and chances are very high that we share audiences, more often than not.

What’s more, being a publisher of inconvenient and streng verboten history, we are also students of it, and we have no intention of repeating the mistakes of those who have gone before us and having our own “how we burned” moment like what Solzhenitsyn wrote about in Gulag Archipelago. We say this to say that people in our circles tend to alienate and shun each other over said differences in opinion on things, and on the basis of perceived levels of radicalism.  When living in peaceful times, this is certainly one’s on prerogative, and concerns of who you’re associated with too closely are most certainly valid.
But these times are past.  And in the present, A time in which we are embroiled in an all out war of ideas.  We find ourselves in a woeful and lamentable dynamic to where the radical Communist ideologues who are in power simply do not care who among us is more radical. In point of fact, by their reckoning, all of us who lean so much as a little to the right of Mark are radical, and are marked for the gulags that they would throw us all into given the first opportunity to do so.  In short, sacrosanct and fundamental principles of western civilization are embattled like never before, and our very liberties hang in the balance. The stakes are simply too high to be using ideological and intellectual purity tests as the metric by which we determine whether or not we will coordinate efforts with someone who at the end of the day, has the same goals as we do, even if we may not always agree on how to achieve them.  And so, for some time now, are policy has been to coordinate and work with anyone (within reason of course) who we have common ground and goals with.

While we want to do far more than preach to the choir, we would nonetheless be remiss to not do everything in our power to reach out to the rather large (and growing!) segment of the population that is already receptive to our message.  There are estimated to be tens if not scores if not hundreds of thousands of people out there who are waking up to what is going on in the world, and who realize that they’ve been lied to about our history.  If the current size of our mailing list is any indicator of the extent to which we’re reaching that target audience, then as of right now, we’re reaching maybe 1% of them! Endeavors like this aim to alter that percentage dramatically.

It should go without saying that we are not working with anyone on the basis of unfettered agreement or endorsement with everything they say and do, but rather more in the spirit of recognizing that we’re fighting the same enemies of liberty, and remembering Benjamin Franklin’s words, when he famously said to some of his fellow “right wing extremists” at one of the meetings of the Founding Fathers, “Gentlemen, we must hang together, or we shall surely hang separately!”

As of recently, we’ve made two big strides forward in this department, securing advertising agreements with The Stew Peters Network, and the popular podcast, Warstrike.  Both of these programs put out a lot of great information and champion the cause of free speech and telling the truth and shaming the devil. They also have rather substantial audiences to whom our books are most certainly of interest. So suffice it to say we’re excited and honored to be coordinating efforts in a mutually beneficial way.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and over time and with a lot of hard work, we hope to build a real community and form something of a united front against the enemies of free speech, while also endeavoring to make WW2 Revisionism a truly global phenomenon and shift the Overton Window in our favor.

Watch the most recent segment of the Stew Peters Show that our Holocaust Encyclopedia was featured in here:  The timestamp for our commercial is at the 30-minute mark.

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