Ya disponible: Auschwitz: Tres cuartos de siglo de propaganda
El clásico e imprescindible manual sobre la propaganda de Auschwitz, ¡ahora en edición española!
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El clásico e imprescindible manual sobre la propaganda de Auschwitz, ¡ahora en edición española!
We have just extended our ambitious project of turning all major revisionist works in our portfolio into audio books: The second on our agenda, No. 31 of the series Holocaust Handbooks, Breaking the Spell. Like before, while working on it, several typos were fixed, and we updated the selected bibliography at the book’s end. It’s…
We are happy to announce that, as of today, Armreg Ltd can deliver their books to the entire continents of Europe and the Americas (South Center and North). Europe includes Turkey, but it excludes Russia, which has severe restrictions of parcel deliveries to private individuals. With this, we accommodate many requests we received overt he…
We have launched an ambitious project of turning all major revisionist works in our portfolio into audio books. First on our agenda was No. 1 of the series Holocaust Handbooks, Dissecting the Holocaust. While working on it, several typos and mistakes were fixed, plus an entire section of the contribution on Jewish Demographics was replaced….
The website Holocaust Handbooks was restructured, and in the process, all links to their books and video documentaries have changed. While they have automatic redirects from the old to the new links, we took the opportunity to update all links in our Encyclopedia’s Bibliography. The same will have to be done with links going to…
Carlo Mattogno got impatient with me for not working on this book for years. He had it ready to go since 2014, as you can see from the date of Jürgen Graf’s Introduction to this book (which he wrote in December 2013). Alas, the topic was very narrowly focused, and other projects got preferred treatment…
End of last year, we signed a license agreement with CastleHill Publishing LLC, taking on their entire book program for sales and distribution in the UK. We have been working on this for the past two weeks full steam, and here we are! In the meantime, CastleHill expanded our license to include North America, Australia…
While the online version of our Holocaust Encyclopedia was launched in mid-September 2023, the print edition had to wait for a while, because we wanted to use the online version as a “beta version,” so that we could iron out the inevitable kinks and wrinkles. By late November, we realized that no further constructive feedback…
Writing and entire encyclopedia is no small feat! But we finally did it! The idea of writing a revisionist Holocaust Encyclopedia was born in the summer of 2021. In fact, it was planted into our minds by some Israeli watchdog organization who write in a report on worldwide anti-Semitic incidences that Castle Hill Publishers is…